Lemon Grove Lane

Recipe: How to make Elderberry Syrup

elderberry syrup

Be proactive with your health: How to make Elderberry Syrup

This pandemic has us all a bit rattled and having never experienced this before it’s difficult to know what the long term ramifications will be.  We are all learning and I choose to be optimistic in turns of when the curve will flatten. In addition I truly believe and hope some good comes of this. People are being forced to homeschool, work from home,  get creative on the home-front, and take greater responsibility for the health of their families. We must work together at the local, state, and government level, yes? From all this good will come.

Feeling anxious?  Make a list. How can you be proactive with your current resources? Besides staying away from crowds, hand washing, etc, we are doing what we can to make sure our home is clean and our immune systems are healthy.  We are exercising daily, trying to get the rest our bodies need, and making sure we eat well each day.

Give your body a little extra TLC

You’ve probably been hearing a lot about elderberries recently. That’s because there a studies* that show that elderberry syrup contains powerful immune-boosting properties. The berries contain chemical compounds called anthocyanins, that can help boost our immune system.

In addition to the potent-rich elderberry, this recipe contains the essential oil of oregano and local honey. When used for their intended purposes, essential oils can potentially help with promote healthy digestion, protect against seasonal or environmental threats and help support  healthy immune function. Oregano oil may help support digestive and a healthy cardiovascular system. It’s important to start with only a couple drops and follow safe guidelines.

How to make Elderberry Syrup

If you have access to wild elderberries lucky you!  If not you can order them here.

  1. You will also need air tight jars and a sweetener.  I like to use local honey for two reasons.  First I always support small, local businesses when possible and second there is some evidence that consuming local honey might help with seasonal allergies. It’s not conclusive data but harmless nonetheless.
  2. To make your syrup simmer your elderberries for about 45 minutes.  While the elderberries are simmering add cinnamon and ginger.  I also add wild orange (a favorite morning blend in my diffuser) and oregano essential oil.
  3. Remove from heat and gently press the juice from your berries.  Strain the elderberry liquid through a nut bag or cheesecloth.
  4. Add honey to sweeten the liquid and give the rich purple liquid a syrup consistency.
Elderberry syrup wellness
elderberry syrup

FAQ’S : how to make Elderberry Syrup

  • How do I use elderberry?

You can add the syrup to your smoothie or take it by the tablespoon as an immune system booster.  It’s best to not use elderberry syrup daily.  We cycle it on and off during cold and flu season.

  • How much should I take?

Taking a tablespoon of sweetened elderberry syrup (a few days on, a few days off) may help boost immune function.  You might consider giving less to your children.  Refer to this article for more information.

  • Is elderberry syrup safe for kids?

Elderberry is not recommended for children, pregnant women, or nursing mothers. While no adverse events have been reported in these groups there still isn’t enough data to confirm that it is safe over the long term. Speak to your health care professional for more information.

  • Is elderberry safe to take if I am on other medicine?

Elderberry extracts may interact with drugs designed to suppress the immune system, undermining their efficacy. Please read this article if you are taking medications or have an autoimmune disorder.

  • How long will a container last in my refrigerator?

Keep your elderberry syrup in a tightly fitting jar or container in the refrigerator for up to four to six months.

  • Can I take elderberry syrup everyday as part of my wellness program or as a preventative measure?

That’s how we use it!  We use elderberry syrup to help keep us well year round and particularly during during cold and flu season.  Three days on and three days off is our preventative schedule.  If you are interested in using elderberry syrup to reduce the symptoms of your cold I would like to send you to Dr. Axe. 

I can’t emphasize enough that elderberry is not a treatment or medicine for illness.  If you have symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19, avoid elderberry as it could possibly stimulate an inflammatory response. More info on that here.

  • If I am feeling sick will elderberry syrup help get me better?

I can not recommend that you take something however it’s my opinion that if you are feeling the beginning of a cold coming on and some supplements may help shorten the duration if used properly.  If you are already infected with a bacterial infection or virus, homeopathic remedies and herbs should be used with caution if at all, and although this is always a personal choice, I would seek medical help (call your healthcare provider) if you are running a fever and not getting better after a few days.

Here are a few studies that may be of interest to you: Study 1 , Study 2, study 3

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elderberry syrup

DIY Elderberry Syrup


Elderberry syrup is delicious and can be taken periodically as a supplement to an otherwise healthy diet. Elderberry should not be consumed by pregnant women or nursing mothers. Proceed with caution when giving to children. Head over to the blog for more information ~ search elderberry syrup.

  • 1 cup dried elderberries
  • 3 1/2 cups filtered water
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 2 drops wild orange essential oil
  • 3 drops oregano essential oil
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp ground or fresh ginger
  1. Add 1 cup dried elderberries to a medium size pan and add water.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer for 45 minutes.
  3. While simmering, add cinnamon and ginger.
  4. Remove from heat and gently press juice out of the elderberries.
  5. Using cheesecloth or a nut bag, strain your elderberry juice.
  6. Make your syrup by adding honey, essential oils, and stir.
  7. Pour into air tight jars and refrigerate for up to 4-6 months.

Elderberry syrup is not a medicine and shouldn’t be used as such.  Use elderberries as a preventative measure or speak with your healthcare provider.  We take 1 tbsp daily 3 or 4 times a week or as needed for optimal health.

- Leslie

- Leslie

Welcome to Lemon Grove Lane, where I share seasonal recipes and heartfelt home inspiration, all curated to nurture the art of a well-lived life.

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