Anti-Aging Smoothie Recipe
In a perfect world I’d like us all to eat a predominantly plant based diet along with ethically raised, grass-fed, organic beef, poultry, and wild caught fish. It’s impossible for most of us to eat perfectly all the time but if you can eat healthy most of the time, I think you’re doing great! In other words what’s most important is what we do most not all of the time.
Where to begin: eat well, live well
Whether or not you choose to go completely vegan or plant based is a personal choice. I will say though that there is no one way of eating that works for everyone. Where you are in life chronologically, your activity level, and whether or not you have a compromised immune system all factor into what meal plan is best for you. A woman that is in her childbearing years will have different nutritional needs as compared to a women that is starting menopause. A triathlete will have much different dietary requirements than someone that’s sitting at a computer all day. There are those with a compromised immune system, they will need to eat in accordance to what their health care provider recommends to address their health issues. It’s also a good idea to simply use common sense. If you are following a specific dietary plan and loosing hair or getting sick all the time you might want to consider changing something. Personally I’ve been on every kind of meal plan imaginable. You name it, I’ve done it. Some of the choices I made during my younger years were not good and for those choices my health suffered. So after years of learning and working in the field of nutrition I figured it out. Exercise and eat all things in moderation, avoid radical or extreme diets, try to eat lots of veggies, more whole grains and fiber. So in other words what works best for me is a diet packed full of fresh vegetables, fruit, whole grains, less gluten, some dairy ~ always organic, small servings of ethically raised, grass-fed beef and poultry, and wild caught fish.
A word on supplements: eat your vitamins
Eating local, sustainable, organic food seasonally helps make sure we receive all the nutrition we need. That said I recognize that for many reasons, we don’t always get all the nutrients we should or perhaps we don’t absorb well .. so for that reason I think a small amount of supplements are okay. Keep in mind if a substance is said to help, it an also could potentially hurt if not used properly. If you feel you are deficient in something, get tested. Vitamin D taken at the level of 2,000 iu daily is probably fine for most but you really don’t know how much you need until you are tested to see where your levels are. Example: In my case I measured low, started supplementing and turns out I wasn’t absorbing the supplement. After switching to sublingual (liquid) my levels went up and I’ve been able to maintain healthy levels for years. My preference is not to rely on supplements. It’s best to get nutrition straight from food (my superfood smoothie). In our food, vitamins and minerals are laid out perfectly for our bodies.
Get outside everyday: a healthy body is a well fed, well exercised body

My routine and why this works for me
Having a calm and healthy morning routine is important is important for a couple of reasons. Living a hurried life is stressful and stress can increase risk for disease. Starting with quiet and calm will allow you to begin your day the right way. Secondly starting the morning with healthy habits like drinking water and blending a superfood smoothie will help sustain you until lunch and increase mental clarity. I don’t mediate in the traditional sense but I do play meditative music and always diffuse essential oils. If you go to my Instagram stories highlight section and click on essential oils you can see more details and see what oils I use. I usually get messages asking “what’s in the powder mix that you add to your morning smoothie” .. so today I’m finally sharing the ingredients ..PLUS what I eat for the rest of my day. Part of the reason I choose to make a smoothie is because it’s a great opportunity to get lots of nutrition (quickly) into my body. Here are the ingredients in a nutshell: fruit, veggies, protein, healthy fats.
Anti-aging Smoothie Recipe
- Protein powder (Ancient Nutrition, Tone it Up, VEGA, Beauty Chef)
- Handful of spinach
- 1/2 cup berries (blueberries or cherries)
- Matcha
- Green superfood mix
- Chia powder
- Acai berry powder
- Adaptogens (every other day)
What I try to eat every day:
With the exception of Saturday and Sunday I always begin my day with warm lemon water. On the weekends I might defer and have keto pancakes or buttermilk pancakes made with sourdough starter (good for the gut). Sunday’s we usually make an omelette with veggies and raw milk, organic cheese.
Blender options:
I use a Vitamix to blend my morning smoothie and also to purée ingredients for soup. This blender is a heavy workhorse and will last for at least a decade. I had my last one for 12 years and got to the point where I couldn’t purchase replacement parts so I finally bought another one. If this blender is too large for your liking I’d suggest the Nutribullet. It’s a powerful smaller version (makes one serving) that works perfectly if you are looking for a blender to mix your smoothie ingredients.
Anti-Aging Smoothie Recipe
- Berries: I use 1/2 to 1 cup fresh or frozen (kept in my Stasher bag) berries. Blueberries and cherries are my favorite as they are full of antioxidants and help reduce inflammation. The perfect beauty food!
- Spinach or Kale: both are packed of fiber and loaded with nutrition. Start with a little and work up to a big handful. Adding spinach to your smoothie counts as one or two servings of vegetables. Great start to the day, yes?
- Protein powder: Protein is used to build and repair cells. The amount of protein you need will vary depending on your age, exercise level, if you suffer from disease, or if you are pregnant or nursing a baby. We need protein workout recovery, metabolism, healthy hair, beautiful skin and for good muscle tone.
Here are a few of my favorites:
- Ancient Nutrition offers a variety of formulas. I switch it up between the bone broth and collagen formulas. These varieties are helpful if you want to improve gut health or fight inflammation.
- Tone it Up is a vegan formula. It’s tasty, contains lots of good choice if you want something is is less expensive
- Vega® protein powder comes from peas and other vegan proteins like organic sunflower and pumpkin seed powder. The protein bars are also a tasty snack.
- Green Superfood blend combines alkalizing farm fresh greens like wheat and barley grass, spirulina, chlorella, acai, and maca root. I add 1/2 to 1 scoop into my superfood smoothie every morning.
- The Beauty Chef Inner Beauty Powder is a bio-fermented protein powder plus superfood all in one. The only negative would be that it doesn’t contain collagen so I add that in. Inner Beauty Powder contains pre and probiotics to improve gut health and boost metabolism. Loaded with super-fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, matcha green tea, and fiber I have to say this is one of my favorites. Although pricey this protein powder is an all-in-one product so it’s great when I don’t want to take the time to add all the my other smoothie ingredients.
Optional items:
- Matcha Powder: Helps immune function, digestion, and is great for getting your body and skin youthful. A must for sure! Drinking the tea daily is a good idea but you need several cups to receive the benefits. That said I find it easier to simply add the powder to my smoothie. This too is pricy so I use just a little.
- Adaptogens are essentially healing plants that help balance, restore and protect the body. It doesn’t have a specific action rather it helps your body respond or influence what’s stressing it out. The result is a more normalized effect. Learn more here.
- Green Superfood blend combines alkalizing farm fresh greens like wheat and barley grass, spirulina, chlorella, acai, and maca root. I add 1/2 to 1 scoop into my superfood smoothie every morning.
When I plan my weekly menu I consider leftovers for lunch. Always make extra! I store leftovers in glass containers that can easily be reheated. If you’d like to see how I store food and what’s in my refrigerator go to this post!
If I’m out or at the office I choose lunch from my local natural food market. My plate contains some sort of vegan protein source or free range, organic chicken along with sprouted brown rice or quinone, and mixed greens or kale. Sometimes if I’ve been exercising a lot my body needs more and I’ll get a veggie pizza. I usually crave a little chocolate around this time so I indulge in a few bites of dark chocolate.
Nut butters, hard boiled eggs, grain free chips, and fruit are a few of my favorite snack items.
It’s still cold here in the PNW so we are enjoying roasts, stews and soups with thick pieces of sourdough bread along with cooked veggies and salads. Dinner always includes a protein to help sustain my blood sugar through the night. I try to include both cooked and raw veggies at dinner .. doesn’t always happen. Desserts are seldom.
Sometimes after dinner I will make a Golden Milk drink with regular milk or a plant based beverage like Hemp or Almond milk.
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9 Responses
Leslie, your daily menu is like mine; sounds very healthy. Thank you for this post. Happy weekend!
Hi Karen, It’s a great way to start the day. keep it up!
Thank you for sharing! I am going to try your smoothie. You are inspiring! Xoxo
thanks so much for visiting and your sweet comment Ashley!
Hi Leslie, We try to follow the same diet as you…as much plant based as possible and fill in here and there with organic chicken or wild salmon and on a rare occasion organic beef. I abstained from red meat for about 5 years in my 20’s but I was sick a lot. Finally realized I needed beef in my diet, because I tended to run on the anemic side. (not an issue now) A friend of mine and her husband went completely plant based a few months ago. Another is almost plant based now and has almost gotten her husband to come around as well.
Thanks for the tips on the Vitamin D. I take 2000 mg a day and my levels are always on the low side of normal. I will have to get the sublingual and see if that makes a difference.
I need to try your smoothie…the only thing I don’t have is the grass green superfood!
So glad you are following such a healthy diet Linda! Happy weekend xoxo
I really enjoyed your smoothie demo. So informative and easy to understand. I will be making this smoothie soon!
Wonderful! It’s so healthy :)