Tropical Smoothie Recipe


Wishing you were back on your favorite  beach listening to the sound of  waves .. and maybe a Pina Colada in your hand?  Well I can’t promise you that exact scenario ;) but this blended mix of tropical fruit and coconut yogurt is pretty tasty and packed full of beauty vitamins and minerals!

I’ve added Tumeric  as a nutritional booster.  Tumeric is said to help control inflammation and  have pain reducing benefits.  Look for Tumeric Root at your local natural food store or the powder form for convenience.

My Vitamix is always on the counter and it was definitely worth every penny!   I use it for my morning protein smoothie and sometimes again in the afternoon to make a green drink or this Tropical Smoothie.  A blender like this one is also great for making your favorite pesto or blending simmered veges for soup.

Tropical Smoothie

{serves one / about 325 calories)


  • 2/3 cup pineapple (fresh or frozen)
  • 1/2 banana
  • slice of mango
  • dash of tumeric powder
  • 1/2 coconut yogurt (I use SO Delicious)
  • the juice of one orange
  • 1/2 cup milk (try coconut .. or any other milk substitute)
  • one handful of ice cubs optional
  • 1 teaspoon honey optional
  • 1 teaspoon Chia Seeds
  • shredded cocoutnut


                      Place all liquid in your Vitamix or Nutrabullet.  Add fruit and remaining ingredients.  If your mixture is too thin add more liquid.  Pour into your favorite container and top with Chia Seeds and shredded coconut if you’d like.


Picture of - Leslie

- Leslie

Welcome to Lemon Grove Lane, where I share seasonal recipes and heartfelt home inspiration, all curated to nurture the art of a well-lived life.

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4 Responses

  1. It looks and sounds delicious. How many calories are in a typical smoothie?
    My doctor recommends turmeric for the very issues you’ve mentioned. It must be good for a Western doctor to recommend it, right?

    1. Hi Karen, I’m going back to give a rough calorie count. Average smoothies are sometimes loaded with calories AND sugar. I try to use lots of greens and keep my added fruit to a minimum. One half cup of cut fruit or juice is considered a serving. It’s reasonable to consume roughly 2 to 4 servings a day along with lots of vegetables. Kudos to your Doc for recommending Tumeric! It certainly is extremely unlikely to hurt (possible allergies aside) so why not? The difficultly is WHAT IS the therapeutic dose for each person. If you sprinkle a bit in your smoothie once a week it’s unlikely to help much. I try to use it on the regular basis (when I can remember:) ..

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